Knox Podiatrist Dr Zoe Filippatos presents at National Forum on Turner Syndrome
Recently our Eastern Foot Care Knox and Eastern Foot Care Ringwood Podiatrist Dr Zoe Filippatos was invited to present on foot health at the National Forum for Turner Syndrome.
Turner Syndrome is a chromasomal abnormality that affects up to 1:2000 females. It has a number of implications on foot health:
- A significantly higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- A higher incidence of osteoporosis, predisposing sufferers to fractures
- Increased risk of ingrown toenails as a result of predisposition to lymphoedema
- Altered foot morphology (typically short/broad feet) leading to biomechanical complications
Zoe’s insightful presentation will hopefully yield positive foot health outcomes for the delegates.